PxTone Web
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last modified may 27 2024.

here is the fourth scrimbly, done mainly in 19tet. was a much more pleasant experience than i had hoped. though it may prove difficult to switch back to 12tet. this thing fucked with me a little bit ngl, had to think of semitones as 2, sometimes 1, and whole tones as 3 rather than 1 and 2. notice how there's much less chromatic stuff here than in previous two scrimblies. that is because 19 is a big number compared to 12 (by virtue of it being seven larger, seven being a quite similar number to twelve, an odd peculiarity). i think i had too much of a 12tet brain while making this.

19tet is a fun thing. it's one of the first tets i think of besides 12. i could have tried 31. but jesus christ that would suck trying to do right on ptcollab. also that's too many notes to think of at once. like they call their own version of the semitone the diesis, at least that's what a quick look on tells me. it is a comparable but smaller interval than the actual 128/125 diesis that i would presume they named the 31tet diesis after.

some sections of this thing feature other tets. like 22 or 7 or what have you. the chain of major thirds from m.84 thru m.90 is just an assortment of about all* the major thirds i could have done in ptcollab, sorted by size in ascending order. it just turns into a normal 19tet perfect fourth at the end though. pretty fun to do i would say. i would not have done it at all if xen-calc had not existed to make this sort of thing easier.

furthermore, that ending section is the same thing rendered in a bunch of different edos. i don't remember all of them. the part before that has the cob flute playing something in 21edo, and the other cob flute playing something in 14edo i think?

ngl this type of thing was a fun experience. i should do this type of thing more. knocked this one out in just two days. hopefully another scrimbly soon to come. i don't have much to worry about right now.

idk i think i have nothing more to say about this one. i should be asleep right now. it is five in the morning. i hear birds chirping even though i think it's still technically dark out. happy memorial day i suppose?

* i omitted 7edo and 5edo because they were more than 50c out, and a good chunk of the available edo selections on ptcollab have the same major third (e.g. 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, ... , 36)

p.s. i find it a little funny that on the 31tet website. one of the first links you get to look at is one entitled "34 Tone Equal Temperament". like. it reminds me of the old adage, wisely uttered by supa hot fire. "that's the wrong number"

May 27, 2024, 9:13 a.m.
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