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&Nothing is impossible when pxtone is in your side

cover of "Pliinit Hoogeie" by TiffanyNeat

version with text is available on SECRET 4TA

there's nothing out here, & you're out here with me, & nothing is just another thing we can be, & sometimes it's awful to be nothing, & the truth tends to emerge just as we become nothing, & there's absolutely nothing new in the truth, & the emergence of the truth is the emergence of more nothing, & they have said that there is nothing of the truth in us, & I believe that nothing will change their minds, ampersand ampersand open parenthesis nothing exclamation point equals sign what we can conceive close parenthesis, & you who are listening to this right now will become nothing if you do not take off your headphones or turn off your speakers as soon as possible, & nothing else to do with you but I'm just not sure if you want it, & there's nothing out here but we can see the consequences of something that once was here, & it has been written that the nothingness is relatively stable, & the nothingness is relatively stable, & there are words in other languages which can be used to describe a nothingness that is comfortable, & despite everything that has grown and has changed and has been lost out here we have been able to situate ourselves by perceiving the continuous nothingness, & I have perceived that nothing has properties in common with sub-nothing and with something, & I became acquainted with you when I was first exposed to nothing, & if there is anything out here it is nothing of which those such as us can be aware, & you're telling me that there's something out here but I don't believe it because common sense dictates that there is nothing out here, & nothing, & ever since we got here I've been thinking more about how there's nothing out here, & it confuses me that we are able to talk like this even though there's nothing out here, & halbreak durstanging nothing lawraf sim dannate tanwaln frillish fin binbreak lapstruck, & nothing what the hell was that what are you saying, & nothing oh god I can feel it out there, & nothing, & nothing, & as far as I am concerned it is nothing but as far as it is concerned it must be something, & nothing, & you didn't choose to be nothing did you, & the less you are nothing the farther away I feel from you, & nothing it's touching me and it's you, & nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin that's my new plan nothing is everything keep your skin clearer with skyrizi three out of four people achieved ninetey percent clearer skin at four months of those nearly nine out of ten sustained it through one year and skyrizi is four doses a year after two starter doses I see nothing in a different way and it's my moment so I just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever sweats chills muscle aches or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi, & nothing is closing in and it's all around me, & you're going to be ok it's only me out here and nothing else, & something will probably go wrong but that will at least mean something happened instead of nothing, & nothing, & un-something, & another million years of nothing is nothing to me if there is something like you at the end of it, & nothing, & nothing, & but I'm afraid of nothing, & there's nothing to be afraid of, & I can't remember the word for what's out here, & it's you, & we love you, & I love you too

Dec. 30, 2024, 4:24 a.m.
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Dec. 30, 2024, 5:27 a.m.

Always love work from Ampersand. Gotta appreciate the work of Ampersand. Ampersa

Dec. 30, 2024, 4:43 a.m.

jax "jaxcheese" cheese will be known as the preeminent post-minimalist composer of our era