if you have never joined in on secret porta before, here is the concept: each participant is secretly assigned a partner who makes a cover of one of their tunes. at the end we celebrate "porta day" and the partners and covers are revealed! it is all a little more complicated than this, though... if you would like to participate, buckle up and read on:
まだSECRET PORTAに参加経験のない方へ、概要を記します: 参加者が秘密裏にパートナーを割り当てられ、相手の曲のカバー作品を作ることになります。最後には“Porta Day”と称して、相手とそのカバー作品が明らかになります!概要は以上です(本当はもう少し複雑ではありますが・・・)。もし参加をご希望でしたら、十分留意のうえ以下をお読みください:
CONTACT for submissions/questions:
discord @jaxcheese